Annual Events

There is always something exciting happening at St. John, but these annual events are the ones we look forward to the most! These events typically take place at the height of "season" in Sebring, with some being once a year and others happening multiple times throughout the fall & spring. We would love to see you join us!

Spaghetti Dinners

If you love to indulge in a scrumptious meal then look no further than our Spaghetti Dinners at St. John! The Spaghetti Dinners are an event that happens a couple of times throughout the "season" in Sebring (typically late fall and early spring), and tickets for the dinners are always announced 3 Sundays before each event. Whenever each dinner is announced make sure to mark your calendars! Our volunteers make such a delicious meal that tickets sell out quick!

Tampa Bay Rays Ball Games

Faith, fun, and fellowship all in one event! A couple of times each summer, members of the congregation come together and travel to Tampa Bay to see the Rays play a game, as well as participate in the Rays Annual Faith Day. Transportation to and from games is provided by the church, and a spot is always open for anyone that wishes to join in the fun! What better way is there to engage in America's pastime than with your brothers and sisters in Christ?

Treasure Trove Sale

St. John's Treasure Trove Sale is a semi-annual event, taking place once in the fall and once in the spring. Accepting goods from all walks of life, the Treasure Trove Sale sells appliances, clothing, décor, jewelry, and pretty much anything you could think of! Treasure Trove is always a fun and fast paced event that our volunteers and community look forward to every year.  

Back to School Bash

The Back to School Season should be a happy and exciting time, but often it can be just the opposite for some families due to financial hardship. To help alleviate that burden, St. John holds the "Back to School Bash" every summer. The bash is a large school supplies drive that aims to stuff as many backpacks as possible with school supply essentials to give back to the families of Highlands County.  

Easter Family Celebration

Every year St. John opens her doors to the children of the community with open arms (and easter eggs!)

At the Annual Easter Family Celebration, parents from all over bring their little ones to hunt for eggs, make arts & crafts, eat lots of cupcakes, and hear what Easter is truly all about: the resurrection of Jesus.